Diploma in Pharmacy also called D.Pharm or D.Pharma is a two year durational course in which students are familiar with the basic concept of pharmacy and its application. Although both years (1st & 2nd) are equally important but 1st year is always crucial because you are new in the field and have to start from the beginning.
If you don’t have a good resource that helps you to
understand the concept of the syllabus, you may suffer a lot and may fail to
get fruitful results.
You can download all subject’s handful notes as shown in below table of contents by simply clicking on the subject names, it will take you at the respective download links.
Table of contents
- Pharmaceutics I Notes PDF Download
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I Notes PDF Download
- Pharmacognosy Notes PDF Download
- Biochemistry And Clinical Pathology Notes PDF Download
- Human Anatomy And Physiology Notes PDF Download
- Health Education And Community Pharmacy Notes PDF Download
Pharmaceutics I Notes PDF Download
The first year of D.Pharm’s Pharmaceutics I subject contains
following syllabus/topics issued by Pharmacy Council of India:
1. Introduction of different dosage forms - their
classification with examples, their relative Applications. Familiarization with
new drug delivery systems.
2. Introduction to Pharmacopoeias with new drug delivery
3. Metrology - Systems of weights and measures. Calculations
including conversion from one to another system, Percentage calculations and
adjustment of products. Use of allegation method in calculations. Isotonic
4. Packaging of pharmaceuticals - Desirable features of a
container-types of containers. Study of glass and plastics as materials for
containers and rubber as a material for closures their merits and demerits.
Introduction to aerosol packaging.
5. Size reduction - Objectives, and factors affecting size
reduction, methods of size reduction-Study of hammer mill, ball mill, Fluid
energy Mill and Disintegrator.
6. Size Separation - Size separation by sifting. Official
standards for powders. Sedimentation methods of size separation. Construction
and working of Cyclone separator.
7. Mixing and Homogenization - Liquid mixing and power
mixing, Mixing of semisolids. Study of silvers on Mixer-Homogeniser, Planetary
Mixer Agitated Powder mixer, Triple roller Mill, Propeller Mixer, Colloid mill
and hand Homogeniser. Double cone mixer.
8. Clarification and Filtration -Theory of filtration, Filter
media: Filter aids and selection of filters. Study of the following.
9. Extraction and Galenical’s (a) Study of percolation and
maceration and their modifications, continuous hot retraction.
10. Heat Processes: - Evaporation, Definition, factor's
affecting evaporation – Study of evaporating Still and evaporating Pan.
11. Distillation: - Simple Distillation and fractional
distillation, Steam distillation and vacuum distillation Study vacuum Still,
Preparation of Purified water I.P. and water for Injection I.P. Construction
and working of The Still used for the same.
12. Introduction to drying processes – Study of Tray Dryers:
Fluidized Bed Dryer, Vacuum Dryer and Freeze Dryer.
13. Sterilization – Concept of sterilization and its
differences from disinfections – Thermal resistance of microorganisms. A detailed study of the following sterilization processes.
(i) Sterilization with moist heat,
(ii) Dry heat sterilization,
(iii) Sterilization by radiation,
(iv) Sterilization filtration and
(v) Gaseous sterilization
Aseptic techniques – Application of sterilization processes
in hospitals particularly with reference to surgical dressings and intravenous
fluids. Precautions for safe and effective handling of sterilization equipment.
14. Processing of Tablets - Definition, Different types of
compressed tablets and their properties. The process involved in the production of
tablets: Tablets excipients; Defects in tablets; Evaluation Tablets; Physical
standards including Disintegration and dissolution. Tablet coating-Sugar Coating,
film coating, enteric coating and microencapsulation (Tablet coating may be
dealt in an elementary manner)
15. Processing of Capsules -Hard and soft gelatine capsules
different sizes of capsules; filling of capsules; handling and storage of
capsules. Special applications of capsules.
16. Study of immunological products like sera, vaccines, toxoids and their preparations.
Also, You Can Download 1st Year D.Pharm All Subjects Books PDF - HERE.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I Notes PDF Download
The first year of D.Pharm’s Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I
subject contains following syllabus/topics issued by Pharmacy Council of India:
1. General discussion on the following inorganic compounds
including important physical & chemical properties: medicinal &
Pharmaceutical uses, storage conditions & chemical incompatibility.
(A) Acids, bases & buffers - Boric acid*, Hydrochloric
acid, storage ammonium hydroxide, Calcium hydroxide, Sodium hydroxide &
official buffers.
(B) Antioxidants - Hypo phosphorous acid, Sulphur dioxide,
Sodium bisulphate, Sodium meta-bisulphate, Sodium thiosulphate, Nitrogen &
Sodium Nitrite.
(C) Gastrointestinal agents
i. Acidifying Agents-Dilute hydrochloric acid
ii. Antacids-Sodium bicarbonate, Aluminium hydroxide gel,
Aluminium Phosphate, Calcium carbonate, Magnesium carbonate, Magnesium
trisilicate, Magnesium oxide, Combinations of antacid preparations.
iii. Protectives and Adsorbents-Bismuth sub-carbonate and
iv. Saline cathartics-Sodium Potassium tartrate and
Magnesium sulphate.
(D) Topical Agents -
(E) Dental Products - Sodium fluoride, stannous fluoride,
Calcium carbonate, Sodium Mata phosphate, Dicalcium phosphate, Strontium
chloride, Zink chloride.
(F) Inhalants - Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, Nitrous oxide.
(G) Respiratory stimulants - Ammonium chloride.
(H) Expectorants & Emetics - Ammonium chloride*, Potassium
iodide, Antimony Potassium tartrate.
(I) Antidotes - Sodium
2. Major Intra & Extracellular electrolytes
(A) Electrolytes used for replacement therapy - Sodium
Chloride & its preparations, Potassium chloride & its preparations.
(B) Physiological acid-base balance & electrolytes
used - Sodium acetate, Potassium acetate, Sodium bicarbonate injection, Sodium
citrate, Potassium citrate, Sodium lactate injections, Ammonium chloride and
its injection.
(C) Combination of oral electrolyte powders & solutions.
3. Inorganic Official compounds of Iron, Io rement of
radioactivity G.M. Counter - Radio isotopes-their uses, storage & precautions
with special reference to the official preparations Radio opaque Contrast
Media-Barium sulphates.
4. Radio pharmaceuticals & Contrast media - Radio
activity: Alpha, Beta & Gamma Radiations, Biological effects of radiations &
anions as per Indian Pharmacopoeia
5. Quality control of Drugs & Pharmaceuticals - Importance
of quality control, significant errors, methods used for quality control,
sources of impurities in Pharmaceuticals. Limit tests for Arsenic chloride,
sulphate, iron & Heavy metals.
6. Identification tests for cations dine, & Calcium Ferrous Sulphate & Calcium gluconate.
Pharmacognosy Notes PDF Download
The first year of D.Pharm’s Pharmacognosy subject contains
following syllabus/topics issued by Pharmacy Council of India:
1. Definition, history & scope of Pharmacognosy
including an indigenous system of medicine.
2. Various systems of classification of drugs of natural
3. Adulteration & drug evaluation; the significance of Pharmacopoeia
4. Brief outline of occurrence, distribution outline of
isolation, identification tests, therapeutic effects & pharmaceutical
applications of alkaloids, terpenoids, glycosides, volatile oils, tannins &
5. Occurrence, distribution, Organoleptic evaluation,
chemical constituents including tests wherever applicable & therapeutic
efficacy of the following categories of drugs:
a. Laxatives - Aloes, Rhubarb, Castor oil Ispaghula, Senna.
b. Cardiotonics - Digitalis, Arjuna.
c. Carminatives & G.I. regulators - Umbelliferous fruits.
Coriander, Fennel Ajowan, Cardamom. Ginger, Black pepper Asafoetida, Nutmeg,
Cinnamon, Clove.
d. Astringents - Catechu.
e. Drugs acting on the nervous system - Hyoscyamus, Belladonna,
Aconite, Ashwagandha, Ephedra, opium, Cannabis, Nux vomia.
f. Antihypertensives - Rauwolfia.
g. Ntitussives - Vasaka, Tolu balsam, Tulsi.
h. Antirheumatics - Guggul, Colchicum.
i. Antitumour - Vinca.
j. Antileprotics - Chaulmoogra oil.
k. Antidiabetics - Pterocarpus, Gymnema, Sylvestro.
l. Diuretics - Gokhru, Punarnava.
m. Antidysenterics - Ipecacuanha.
n. Antiseptics & disinfectants - Benzoin, Myrrh, Nim,
o. Antimalarials - Cinchona.
p. Oxytocics - Ergot.
q. Vitamines - Shark liver oil & Amla.
r. Enzymes - Papaya, Diastase, yeast.
s. Perfumes & flavouring agents - Peppermint Oil, Lemon Oil
Orange Oil, lemongrass Oil Sandalwood.
t. Pharmaceutical aids - Honey, Arachis Oil, Starch, Kaolin,
Pectin, Olive Oil, Lanolin, Beeswax, Acacia, Tragacanth, Sodium alginate Agar,
Guar gum, Gelatin.
u. Miscellaneous - Liquorice, Garlic, Picrorhiza, Dioscorea,
Linseed, Shatavari, Shankhupushpi, Pyrethrum, Tabacco.
6. Collection & preparation of crude drugs for the market
as exemplified by Ergot, opium, Rauwolfia, Digitalis, Senna.
7. Study of source, preparation & identification of
fibres used in sutures & surgical dressings-cotton, silk, wool &
regenerated fibres.
8. Gross anatomical studies of-Senna, Datura, Cinnamon, Cinchona, Fennel, Clove, Ginger, Nuxvomica & ipecacuanha.
Biochemistry And Clinical Pathology Notes PDF Download
The first year of D.Pharm’s Biochemistry and Clinical
Pathology subject contains following syllabus/topics issued by Pharmacy Council
of India:
1. Introduction to Biochemistry.
2. Brief chemistry & role of proteins, polypeptides
& amino acids, classification, Qualitative tests, Biological value,
Deficiency diseases.
3. Brief chemistry & role of Carbohydrates,
Classification, qualitative tests. Diseases related to carbohydrate metabolism.
4. Brief chemistry & role of Lipids, Classification,
qualitative tests. Diseases related to lipids metabolism.
5. Brief chemistry & role of Vitamins & Coenzymes.
6. Role of minerals & water in life processes.
7. Enzymes: Brief concept of enzyme action. Factors
affecting it. Therapeutic & pharmaceutical importance.
8. Brief concept of normal & abnormal metabolism of
proteins, carbohydrates & lipids.
9. Introduction to the pathology of blood & urine.
a. Lymphocytes & Platelets, their role in health &
b. Erythrocytes-Abnormal cells & their significance.
c. Abnormal constituents of urine & their significance in diseases.
Human Anatomy And Physiology Notes PDF Download
The first year of D.Pharm’s Human Anatomy and Physiology
subject contains following syllabus/topics issued by Pharmacy Council of India:
1. Scope of Anatomy and Physiology. Definition of various
terms used in Anatomy.
2. Structure of cell, function of its components with
special reference to mitochondria and microsomes.
3. Elementary tissues of the body, i.e. epithelial tissue,
muscular tissue, Connective tissue and nervous tissue.
4. Structure and function of the skeleton. Classification of
joints and their function, joint disorders.
5. Composition of the blood, functions of blood elements. Blood
group and coagulation of blood. BRIEF information regarding disorders of blood.
6. Name & functions of lymph glands.
7. Structure & functions of various parts of the heart.
Arterial & venous system with special reference to the names &
positions of main arteries & veins. Blood pressure & its recording.
Brief information about cardiovascular disorders.
8. Various parts of respiratory system & their
functions. Physiology of respiration.
9. Various parts of urinary systems & their functions,
structure & functions of kidney. Physiology of Urine formation.
Pathophysiology of renal diseases & oedema.
10. Structure of skeletal muscle. Physiology of muscle
contraction. Names, positions, attachments & functions of various skeletal
muscles. Physiology of neuromuscular junction.
11. Various parts of central nervous system, brain &
parts, functions & reflex action. Anatomy & Physiology autonomic
nervous system.
12. Elementary knowledge of structure & functions of
organs of taste, sell, ear, eye & skin. Physiology of part.
13. Digestive system: Names of the various parts of dig
system & their functions. Structure & functions of liver physiology of
digestion & absorption.
14. Endocrine glands & Hormones. Location of the gland
their hormones & functions. Pituitary, THYROID, adrenal & Pancreas.
15. Reproductive system-Physiology &Anatomy of Reproductive system.
Health Education And Community Pharmacy Notes PDF Download
The first year of D.Pharm’s health education and community
pharmacy subject contains following syllabus/topics issued by the Pharmacy
Council of India:
1. Concept of health - Definition of physical health, mental
health, social health, spiritual health determinates of health, indicators of
health, the concept of disease, natural history of diseases, the disease agents,
concept of prevention of diseases.
2. Nutrition & health - Classification of foods,
requirements, diseases induced due to deficiency of proteins, vitamins, &
minerals-treatment & prevention.
3. Demography & family planning – Demography cycle,
fertility, family planning, contraceptive methods, behavioural methods, natural
family planning method, chemical method, mechanical methods, hormonal
contraceptives, population problem of India.
4. First aid - Emergency treatment in shock, snake-bite,
burns, poisoning, heart disease, fractures & resuscitation methods.
Elements of minor surgery & dressings.
5. Environment & health - Sources of water supply, water
pollution, purification of water, health & air, noise, light-solid waste
disposal & control medical entomology, arthropod-borne disease & their
control, rodents, animals & diseases.
6. Fundamental principles of microbiology – Classification
of microbes, isolation, techniques of organisms of common diseases.
7. Communicable diseases - Causative agents, mode of
transmission & prevention.
a. Respiratory infections: Chickenpox, measles, influenza,
diphtheria, whooping cough & tuberculosis.
b. Intestinal infections: Poliomyelitis, Malaria,
c. Arthropod-borne infections: Plague, Malaria, Filariasis.
d. Surface infections - Rabies, Thachoma, Tetanus, Leprosy.
e. Sexually transmit ion diseases - Syphilis, Gonorrhoea,
8. Non-communicable diseases - Causative agents, prevention,
care & control. Cancer, Diabetes, Blindness, Cardiovascular diseases.
9. Epidemiology - Its scope, methods, uses, dynamics of disease transmission. Immunity & immunizations Immunological products & there does schedule. Principles of disease control & prevention, hospital-acquired infection, prevention & control. Disinfection, types of disinfection procedures, for faeces, urine, cu room, liron, dead bodies, instruments.
Download D.Pharm 2nd Year All Subjects Syllabus PDF - HERE.
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