B.Pharm 1st Year Question Papers PDF Download [1st Semester]

B.Pharm 1st Year Question Papers PDF Download [1st Semester]

Here you will get B.Pharm Questions Paper PDF for 1st year’s 1st semester. You can easily download the pdf questions papers for each subject of 1st sem B.Pharmacy based on the latest syllabus of PCI.

You can download all subject previous year question paper pdf that helps you to get an idea about the question pattern and also help in scoring good marks in final exam.

We have included previous question papers for Human Anatomy and Physiology-I, Pharmaceutical Analysis-I, Pharmaceutics-I, Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry, and more which are asked in past.

B.Pharm 1st Year Question Papers PDF Download

You can download all subjects (HAP1, PA1, P1, & PIC) previous year question papers (2018, 2019, & 2020) for b.pharm first year. 

You can easily download AKTU B Pharm question Paper 2019 pdf, AKTU B Pharm Question Papers 2020 pdf, B.Pharmacy 1st year previous question papers JNTUH, etc.

Also Download B.Pharm 1st Year Solved Questions Papers PDF Notes for All Subjects HERE.

Table of Contents

Human Anatomy and Physiology-I Question Papers PDF Download



Total Marks: 75

Note: 1. Attempt all Sections. If require any missing data; then choose suitably.


1. Attempt all questions in brief. 10 x 2 = 20

a. Define Sagital & Coronal plane.

b. Write the function of Ribosome.

c. Define Osteoblast & Osteocalst.

d. Draw a well-labeled diagram of Cell.

e. What are Catabolism and Anabolism?

f. Write about the two main functions of Skin.

g. Write the name of pigment present in Rod and Cone cell.

h. Name the bones present in the Ear.

i. Write a short note regulation of blood pressure.

j. Define Optic disc.


2. Attempt any two parts of the following: 2 x 10 = 20

a. Classify Skeletal system & discuss about the structure and functions of vertebral column.

b. Draw a neat labeled diagram of Heart. Explain in detail Cardiac cycle.

c. Define Cell division. Discuss about the somatic cell division in details.


3. Attempt any five parts of the following: 5 x 7 = 35

a. Write about the structure and function of Plasma Membrane.

b. Write a note on Erythropoiesis.

c. Write about the structure and function of Long bone.

d. Discuss about the mechanism and physiology of hearing.

e. Write a note on disorders related to heart.

f. Discuss in detail about lymph circulation and functions of lymphatic system.

g. Describe the mechanism of Blood Coagulation.

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Pharmaceutical Analysis-I Question Papers PDF Download



Total Marks: 75

Note: 1. Attempt all Sections. If require any missing data; then choose suitably.


1. Attempt all questions in brief. 10 x 2 = 20

a. What do you mean by normality?

b. Define the following terms standard solution and its types.

c. Describe the fundamental of volumetric analysis.

d. Write a note on significant figure.

e. What is pH?

f. What is photogenic and protophllic.

g. Explain the leveling and differentiating effect.

h. What is masking and demasking agent.

i. Write about acid base indicator.

j. What are electrochemical methods of analysis?


2. Attempt any two parts of the following: 2 x 10 = 20

a. Explain the standardization of KMnO4 using sodium oxalate.

b. Give construction and working of reference electrochemical cell as Standard hydrogen, silver chloride electrode and calomel electrode.

c. Discuss fajan’s method of precipitation titration. Explain about co precipitation and post perception.


3. Attempt any five parts of the following: 7 x 5 = 35

a. What are mixed indicators? Give examples of at least two mixed indicators and their advantage

b. Classify errors? Suggest the ways of minimizing them.

c. State modern concept of acid & bases.

d. Derive the Henderson hasselbach equation for weak acid & its salt.

e. Write the theory of acid and base titrations.

f. Write a note on estimation of boric acid.

g. Write a note on fajan’s method.

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Pharmaceutics-I Question Papers PDF Download



Total Marks: 75

Note: 1. Attempt all Sections. If require any missing data; then choose suitably. 


1. Attempt all questions in brief. 10 x 2 = 20

a. Define prescription.

b. In which year does the most recent edition of Indian Pharmacopoeiahas been published lately and how many volumes does this latest edition contain?

c. Who is considered as the father of pharmacy education in India?

d. When a solution can be termed as isotonic?

e. Name one anti-microbial preservative and an antioxidant used in liquid dosage forms.

f. What do you mean by the term “Self-Preserving”? Give two examples of selfpreserving dosage forms.

g. Define suspension with an example.

h. Define suppository with an example.

i. What is therapeutic incompatibility?

j. Give examples of two ointment bases.


2. Attempt any two parts of the following: 2 x 10 = 20

a. Write a detailed note history of Pharmacy in India.

b. Define emulsions. Discuss their methods of preparation, stability problems and methods to overcome these problems.

c. Discuss the mechanisms and factors influencing dermal penetration of drugs.


3. Attempt any five parts of the following: 5 x 7 = 35

a. Write a short note on parts of a prescription with a suitable example of a model prescription.

b. Define the term posology. Discuss the various factors affecting Posology.

c. Calculate the amount of 75%, 65%, 45% and 35% alcohol should be mixed to get 55% alcohol using allegation method.

d. Discuss with proper examples effervescent, efflorescent and hygroscopic powders.

e. Write a short note gargles, mouthwashes and throat paints with an example formula for each.

f. How many different types of suppository bases are there? Discuss the different methods for the evaluation of suppositories.

g. What is a gel? Discuss the methods for the evaluation of semi solid dosages forms.

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Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry Question Papers PDF Download



Total Marks: 75

Note: 1. Attempt all Sections.


1. Attempt all questions in brief. 10 x 2 = 20

a. Composition of barium sulphate reagent.

b. Give the importance of limit test.

c. Give the mechanism of KMnO4

d. Write formula of Epsom salt.

e. Give composition of ORS solution.

f. Write the method for measurement of isotonicity.

g. Write formula and uses of green vitriol.

h. Define astringents with example.

i. Define isotope and isobar.

j. Differentiate between alpha, beta and gamma rays.


2. Attempt any two parts of the following: 2 x 10 = 20

a. Define expectorant; give the preparation, properties, assay, and uses of ammonium chloride.

b. Give the preparation, properties, assay, and uses of Hydrogen Peroxide and Chloride lime.

c. Write a note on fluoride in the treatment of dental caries with reference to sodium fluoride.


3. Attempt any five parts of the following: 5 x 7 = 35

a. Explain the methods of preparation, identification test, and test for purity of Bentonite and Aluminum hydroxide gel.

b. Explain the properties of an ideal antacid; give the method for preparation of sodium bicarbonate and potassium permanganate.

c. Define Haematinics. Write preparation and assay of ferrous sulfate.

d. Write in detail the limit test for iron.

e. Define radiopharmaceuticals and elaborate their Pharmaceutical applications.

f. Write a detailed note on various sources of impurities in Pharmaceutical substances.

g. Explain various methods for adjusting isotonicity.

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B.Pharm 1st Semester All Subjects Previous Year Question Papers PDF (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)

Download B.Pharmacy 1st-semester previous year question paper pdf for all subjects HERE.


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